你如何理解下面的话 “那国人不重要,那国把你当人才重要
Response from ChatGPT
Title: Country’s respect for individuals more important than their nationality
In a world where nationality is often used as a basis for discrimination and prejudice, some countries are bucking the trend and prioritizing respect for individuals regardless of their place of birth. Such countries recognize that individuals can make valuable contributions to society, regardless of their national identity. For example, Japan has implemented a program to attract highly skilled foreign workers, and it includes measures to ensure that these workers are treated with respect and are provided with support to help them settle in the country. Similarly, Germany’s “Blue Card” program provides a path to residency for non-European Union citizens with high levels of education or specialized skills. These initiatives demonstrate that countries can benefit greatly from attracting talent from around the world and providing them with opportunities to contribute to society. By respecting individuals and recognizing their potential, countries can create a more inclusive and diverse society, fostering innovation and economic growth. It’s important to note that respecting individuals does not mean disregarding the importance of national security or borders. Rather, it means recognizing the importance of treating individuals with dignity and ensuring that they are not discriminated against based on their nationality. As countries around the world continue to face challenges related to migration and globalization, initiatives like Japan’s and Germany’s can provide a roadmap for how to attract and retain talented individuals while promoting respect and inclusivity.
Title: 国家对个人的尊重比国籍更重要
- “Japan’s new visa rules may help attract foreign skilled workers,” The Japan Times, August 5, 2019, https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/08/05/national/japans-new-visa-rules-may-help-attract-foreign-skilled-workers/
- “Germany’s ‘Blue Card’ scheme: what you need to know,” Deutsche Welle, August 1, 2019, https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-blue-card-scheme-what-you-need-to-know/a-49841647
- “Respect for individuals,” United Nations, https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/respect-for-individuals/
What do you think ?
“The people of that country are not important, what is important is that the country respects you as a person and talent”